Key Concepts


dlcBTC is a decentralized wrapped Bitcoin that leverages technologies like Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs), Attestors, and Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to enable a decentralized network of merchants to mint and burn dlcBTC. This innovative approach eliminates the risks associated with centralized custodians, providing a safe solution for utilizing Bitcoin within the DeFi ecosystem. By combining the security of the Bitcoin network with the flexibility and composability of DeFi, dlcBTC empowers users to put their Bitcoin to work.

Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs)

DLCs are the foundation of dlcBTC, enabling secure and trust-minimized Bitcoin transactions. They are smart contracts that utilize cryptographic signatures and Bitcoin script to enforce specific conditions for the transfer of Bitcoin. In the context of dlcBTC, DLCs are used to lock Bitcoin on the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring its safekeeping and preventing unauthorized access. This eliminates the need for intermediaries or trusted third parties, enhancing the security and transparency of the process. DLCs offer several advantages, including:

  • Enhanced Security: DLCs leverage the security of the Bitcoin blockchain and cryptographic signatures to ensure that Bitcoin can only be transferred under predefined conditions, mitigating the risk of fraud or theft.

  • Trust Minimization: DLCs eliminate the need to trust any single entity or custodian, as the execution of the contract is enforced by the Bitcoin network itself.

  • Flexibility: DLCs can be customized to support various use cases, including conditional payments, derivatives, and other financial instruments.

  • Privacy: DLCs can be designed to preserve the privacy of the parties involved, as the details of the contract and the underlying Bitcoin transactions can be kept confidential.

Read more about DLCs here.


Attestors play a crucial role in the dlcBTC ecosystem by providing decentralized validation and verification of blockchain events. They act as independent observers, monitoring the Bitcoin blockchain for specific transactions and events related to the minting and burning of dlcBTC. By leveraging a network of Attestors, dlcBTC ensures the transparency and integrity of the system, reducing the reliance on centralized entities. Attestors contribute to the security and reliability of dlcBTC by:

  • Preventing Fraud and Collusion: The decentralized nature of the Attestor network, along with the requirement for multiple Attestors to agree on an event, makes it extremely difficult for any single entity or group to manipulate or censor the system.

  • Providing Real-Time Verification: Attestors continuously monitor the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring that minting and burning requests are processed promptly and accurately.

  • Enhancing Transparency: All Attestor actions and decisions are recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and auditable record of the system's operations.

Read more about our Attestor network here.

Chainlink PoR enhances the transparency and trustworthiness of dlcBTC by providing real-time audits of the underlying Bitcoin reserves. It utilizes a decentralized network of oracles to periodically check the Bitcoin addresses associated with dlcBTC, ensuring that the amount of dlcBTC in circulation is fully backed by an equivalent amount of Bitcoin held in reserve. This provides users with confidence that their dlcBTC tokens represent actual Bitcoin ownership. Chainlink PoR offers several benefits, including:

  • Real-Time Audits: The system continuously monitors the Bitcoin reserves, providing up-to-date information on the collateralization of dlcBTC.

  • Decentralized Verification: The use of a decentralized network of oracles ensures the accuracy and reliability of the reserve audits, reducing the risk of manipulation or censorship.

  • Transparency: All audit data is publicly available on the blockchain, allowing anyone to verify the reserves backing dlcBTC.

See our Proof of Reserve Feed here.

CCIP enables secure and efficient cross-chain communication and transactions, allowing dlcBTC to operate seamlessly across multiple blockchain networks. It facilitates the transfer of data and assets between different chains, enabling users to access and utilize dlcBTC on other chains. CCIP's decentralized architecture and robust security measures ensure the safety and reliability of cross-chain operations. The key advantages of CCIP include:

  • Enhanced Security: CCIP employs advanced cryptographic techniques and decentralized consensus mechanisms to protect against attacks and vulnerabilities.

  • Scalability: CCIP is designed to handle a high volume of cross-chain transactions, ensuring efficient and seamless operations even during periods of peak demand.

  • Flexibility: CCIP supports a wide range of blockchain networks and protocols, providing more places where users can put their Bitcoin to work.

Read more about our Chainlink integration here.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automate key functions within the dlcBTC ecosystem, such as minting and burning dlcBTC, facilitating DeFi transactions, and ensuring transparency and security. Smart contracts enable decentralized governance, allowing the community to participate in decision-making and upgrades to the protocol. The benefits of smart contracts include:

  • Automation: Smart contracts automate various processes, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing the risk of human error.

  • Transparency: All smart contract interactions are recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and auditable record of the system's operations.

  • Security: Smart contracts are immutable and tamper-proof, ensuring that the terms of the agreement are enforced and cannot be altered without consensus.

  • Efficiency: Smart contracts streamline processes and reduce transaction costs, making the dlcBTC ecosystem more efficient and accessible.

Last updated